Results for 'Sandra Loyoyla Guizar'

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  1.  23
    Benjamin and Antifascist Education.Stefan Gandler & Sandra Loyoyla Guizar - 2022 - Radical Philosophy Review 25 (1):123-126.
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    Hacia una filosofía de la arquitectura y la ciudad.Sandra Loyola Guízar - 2023 - Revista de Filosofía (México) 55 (154):6-11.
    En este número de la revista invitamos a pensar desde la filosofía el fenómeno de la construcción del espacio habitable en los asentamientos humanos que caracterizan nuestra época: las ciudades. Nuestra intención es provocar intersecciones que problematicen la urbanización planetaria que moldea nuestras relaciones cotidianas.
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    Taking Stock of SIM: Social Issues in Management Division of the Academy of Management.Sandra Waddock - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (7):1426-1447.
    This essay articulates two aspects of a changing Social Issues in Management (SIM) Division of the Academy of Management (AOM). First, the essay highlights the ways in which SIM’s central focus has shifted and changed over the years. Then, it briefly looks at the forces that are currently shaping SIM within AOM, particularly in spreading what used to be the central core of SIM throughout AOM, and discusses some of the implications of this shift. This devolution of content suggests the (...)
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  4. Pragmatic laws.Sandra D. Mitchell - 1997 - Philosophy of Science 64 (4):479.
    Beatty, Brandon, and Sober agree that biological generalizations, when contingent, do not qualify as laws. Their conclusion follows from a normative definition of law inherited from the Logical Empiricists. I suggest two additional approaches: paradigmatic and pragmatic. Only the pragmatic represents varying kinds and degrees of contingency and exposes the multiple relationships found among scientific generalizations. It emphasizes the function of laws in grounding expectation and promotes the evaluation of generalizations along continua of ontological and representational parameters. Stability of conditions (...)
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    Competing units of selection?: A case of symbiosis.Sandra D. Mitchell - 1987 - Philosophy of Science 54 (3):351-367.
    The controversy regarding the unit of selection is fundamentally a dispute about what is the correct causal structure of the process of evolution by natural selection and its ontological commitments. By characterizing the process as consisting of two essential steps--interaction and transmission--a singular answer to the unit question becomes ambiguous. With such an account on hand, two recent defenses of competing units of selection are considered. Richard Dawkins maintains that the gene is the appropriate unit of selection and Robert Brandon, (...)
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  6. Potentia: Hobbes and Spinoza on Power and Popular Politics.Sandra Leonie Field - 2020 - New York, NY, USA: Oxford University Press.
    This book offers a detailed study of the political philosophies of Thomas Hobbes and Benedict de Spinoza, focussing on their concept of power as potentia, concrete power, rather than power as potestas, authorised power. The focus on power as potentia generates a new conception of popular power. Radical democrats–whether drawing on Hobbes's 'sleeping sovereign' or on Spinoza's 'multitude'–understand popular power as something that transcends ordinary institutional politics, as for instance popular plebsites or mass movements. However, the book argues that these (...)
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  7. Hobbes and the Question of Power.Sandra Field - 2014 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 52 (1):61-85.
    Thomas Hobbes has been hailed as the philosopher of power par excellence; however, I demonstrate that Hobbes’s conceptualization of political power is not stable across his texts. Once the distinction is made between the authorized and the effective power of the sovereign, it is no longer sufficient simply to defend a doctrine of the authorized power of the sovereign; such a doctrine must be robustly complemented by an account of how the effective power commensurate to this authority might be achieved. (...)
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  8. Investigating preservice elementary science teacher reflective thinking using integrated media case‐based instruction in elementary science teacher preparation.Sandra K. Abell, Lynn A. Bryan & Maria A. Anderson - 1998 - Science Education 82 (4):491-509.
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    Pattern-based calculi with finitary matching.Sandra Alves, Besik Dundua, Mário Florido & Temur Kutsia - 2018 - Logic Journal of the IGPL 26 (2):203-243.
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  10. Ceteris paribus — an inadequate representation for biological contingency.Sandra D. Mitchell - 2002 - Erkenntnis 57 (3):329-350.
    It has been claimed that ceteris paribus laws, rather than strict laws are the proper aim of the special sciences. This is so because the causal regularities found in these domains are exception-ridden, being contingent on the presence of the appropriate conditions and the absence of interfering factors. I argue that the ceteris paribus strategy obscures rather than illuminates the important similarities and differences between representations of causal regularities in the exact and inexact sciences. In particular, a detailed account of (...)
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  11. Function, fitness and disposition.Sandra D. Mitchell - 1995 - Biology and Philosophy 10 (1):39-54.
    In this paper I discuss recent debates concerning etiological theories of functions. I defend an etiological theory against two criticisms, namely the ability to account for malfunction, and the problem of structural doubles. I then consider the arguments provided by Bigelow and Pargetter (1987) for a more forward looking account of functions as propensities or dispositions. I argue that their approach fails to address the explanatory problematic for which etiological theories were developed.
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  12. Attitude comparison: is there ever a bandwagon effect?David Myers, Sandra Wojcicki & Bobette Aardema - 1977 - Journal of Applied Social Psychology 7 (4):341–7.
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  13. The Politics of Being Part of Nature.Sandra Leonie Field - 2020 - Australasian Philosophical Review 4 (3):225-235.
    ABSTRACT Genevieve Lloyd argues that when we follow Spinoza in understanding reason as a part of nature, we gain new insights into the human condition. Specifically, we gain a new political insight: we should respond to cultural difference with a pluralist ethos. This is because there is no pure universal reason; human minds find their reason shaped differently by their various embodied social contexts. Furthermore, we can use the resources of the imagination to bring this ethos about. In my response, (...)
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  14. Political Power and Depoliticised Acquiescence: Spinoza and Aristocracy.Sandra Leonie Field - 2020 - Constellations 27 (4):670-684.
    According to a recent interpretive orthodoxy, Spinoza is a profoundly democratic theorist of state authority. I reject this orthodoxy. To be sure, for Spinoza, a political order succeeds in proportion as it harnesses the power of the people within it. However, Spinoza shows that political inclusion is only one possible strategy to this end; equally if not more useful is political exclusion, so long as it maintains what I call the depoliticised acquiescence of those excluded.
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    Contribuições da Semiótica da Cultura como abordagem de leitura de O Reino encantado dos pôneis 4D.Sandra Mina Takakura - 2024 - Bakhtiniana 19 (3):e63980p.
    ABSTRACT Recently, children’s books have used augmented reality as a resource, being called 4D books. Augmented reality allows the user to see through the world while interacting in real-time with images produced digitally, resulting in interactivity. The present study aims to introduce the results of a brief reflection on the illustrated book O reino encantado do pôneis 4D under the approach of the semiotics of culture, departing from the notion of semiosis and semiosphere. The semiosphere, drawn by Lotman (1990), in (...)
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  16. Hobbes y la cuestión del poder.Sandra Leonie Field - 2024 - In Diego Fernández Peychaux, Antonio David Rozenberg & Ramírez Beltrán Julián (eds.), Thomas Hobbes: libertad y poder en la metamorfosis moderna. Buenos Aires: Universidad de Buenos Aires Instituto de Investigaciones Gino Germani. pp. 188-232. Translated by Ramírez Beltrán Julián.
    Spanish translation of Field, S. L. (2014). 'Hobbes and the question of power'. Journal of the History of Philosophy, 52(1), 61-86. Thomas Hobbes has been hailed as the philosopher of power par excellence; however, I demonstrate that Hobbes’s conceptualization of political power is not stable across his texts. Once the distinction is made between the authorized and the effective power of the sovereign, it is no longer sufficient simply to defend a doctrine of the authorized power of the sovereign; such (...)
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    Virtue, Practical Wisdom and Character in Teaching.Sandra Cooke & David Carr - 2014 - British Journal of Educational Studies 62 (2):91-110.
    Recent reflection on the professional knowledge of teachers has been marked by a shift away from more reductive competence and skill-focused models of teaching towards a view of teacher expertise as involving complex context-sensitive deliberation and judgement. Much of this shift has been inspired by an Aristotelian conception of practical wisdom (phronesis) also linked by Aristotle to the development of virtue and character. This has in turn led recent educational philosophers and theorists – inspired by latter-day developments in virtue ethics (...)
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    Pragmatism's Shared Metaphysical Vision: A Symposium on Sandra B. Rosenthal's "Speculative Pragmatism".Andrew J. Reck, John E. Smith & Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1987 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 23 (3):341 - 380.
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    Some Perceptions of the Implications of High Technology for Minnesota Schools.Sandra B. Westby - 1987 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 7 (1-2):211-215.
    Advances in technology are accelerating the momentum for change in all sectors of society. There is at present a lag time between the actual development and implementation of new technology and the public consciousness of the issues involved. The rapid rate of social change, however, emphasizes the critical role of the educational system and the need to continually estimate and evaluate direction to best serve the common good. Forty-five influential Minnesota leaders in education, business/industry and government were interviewed on issues (...)
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    Electronic publishing and the indispensability of publishers.Sandra M. Whisler - 1996 - Logos 7 (1):120-126.
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    Hedging and rounding in numerical expressions.Sandra Williams & Richard Power - 2013 - Pragmatics and Cognition 21 (1):193-223.
    Previous accounts of hedges assume that they cause language to become vague or fuzzy ; however, hedges can actually sharpen numerical concepts by giving explicit information about approximation, especially where bare numbers appear misleadingly round or precise. They can also tell hearers about the direction of approximation. This article provides a first empirical account of interactions between hedging and rounding in numerical expressions. We demonstrate that hedges occur more commonly with round numbers than with non-round ones. However, we also provide (...)
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    The Social Construct of Writing and Thinking: Evidence of How the Expansion of Writing Technology Affects Consciousness.Sandra C. Williamson & Gail S. Corso - 1999 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 19 (1):32-45.
    The technology for the digitized text creates fluid meaning, representing its culture in transition from the dominance of the single-authored text with its hierarchically ordered system. This new architecture for the digitized word has been making explicit the shift from human consciousness reflecting the interiority of the self to a human consciousness reflecting self in relation to others. Educators using the technology of networked writing environments need to understand how the technology functions and intervenes for pedagogical processes during models of (...)
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    Hand preference: Basis or reflection of hemisphere specialization?Sandra F. Witelson - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (4):735-736.
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    Neuroanatomical sex differences: Of no consequence for cognition?Sandra F. Witelson - 1988 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 11 (2):215-217.
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    Comparative effectiveness research: evidence‐based medicine meets health care reform in the USA.Sandra J. Tanenbaum - 2009 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 15 (6):976-984.
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    Sin exclusiones: catolicismo, mujeres y liderazgo distribuido.Sandra Arenas - 2020 - Teología y Vida 61 (4):537-553.
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    Personal Constructs and Existential a Priori Categories: a Parallel Relationship Between Experimental Research On Schizophrenic Thought Process and Binswanger's Daseinsanalytic Interpretation of the Schizophrenic Existence.Sandra M. Esterling Levy - 1975 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 5 (2):369-388.
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    ¿Voluntad de Vivir o Voluntad de Morir?: El Suicidio En Schopenhauer y Mainlánder.Sandra Baquedano - 2007 - Revista de filosofía (Chile) 63:117-126.
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  29. Huang Zongxi: Making it Safe Not to be Servile.Sandra Leonie Field - 2020 - In Amber Carpenter & Rachael Wiseman (eds.), Portraits of Integrity: 26 Case Studies From History, Literature and Philosophy. Bloomsbury Publishing. pp. 83-91.
    Integrity is often conceived as a heroic ideal: the person of integrity sticks to what they believe is right, regardless of the consequences. In this article, I defend a conception of ordinary integrity, for people who either do not desire or are unable to be moral martyrs. Drawing on the writings of seventeenth century thinker Huang Zongxi, I propose refocussing attention away from an abstract ideal of integrity, to instead consider the institutional conditions whereby it is made safe not to (...)
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    The metaphysical ecstasies in Schopenhauer's and De Quincey's thoughts.Sandra Baquedano Jer - 2009 - Discusiones Filosóficas 10 (15):97 - 111.
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    Insegurança e medo na vida urbana.Sandro Luiz Bazzanella & Sandra Bazzanella - 2022 - Griot : Revista de Filosofia 22 (2):280-292.
    This article aims to offer some notes related to the question of the insecurity and fear in urban life. Constitutive condition of many, if not all, contemporary societies, fear and insecurity in urban space, or, in public space, are here analized from two thinkers. The sociologist Zygmunt Bauman is present insofar as he considers the fear a constitutive aspect on two life dimensions : on the fragility and the human contingence towards nature, and on the society itself, constituted by rules (...)
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  32. The Problem of the Continuant: Aquinas and Suárez on Prime Matter and Substantial Generation.Sandra Menssen John D. Kronen - 2000 - Review of Metaphysics 53 (4):863-886.
    Some problems, Aristotle remarks, are so deep it is hard not only to find solutions, but hard even to think out the difficulties well. One such is what we here term the problem of the continuant. When something is generated in the unqualified sense of the term, that is, comes to be not just blue or hot or next to something, but is generated as an entity, what is it that survives the change from the original materials? This is a (...)
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    Los cuadernillos de trabajo como estrategia didáctica para la Enseñanza – Aprendizaje a distancia del inglés” (como lengua adicional).Sandra de Jesús Montero Castillo - forthcoming - Ciencia y Filosofía.
    El presente artículo demuestra como el uso de los cuadernillos de trabajo se convierten en una herramienta importante de las estrategias docentes para la enseñanza y aprendizaje del inglés en el CECyTEC. El aumento en los índices de aprobación en este campo disciplinar muestran que esta estrategia tiene un impacto positivo al implementarse en los diferentes planteles y que esta metodología en un futuro pudiera ser implementada en otros estados. Se llega a esta conclusión a través de varios ensayos; se (...)
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  34. Flexible semantic processing of spatial prepositions.Frisson Steven, Sandra Dominiek, Brisard Frank, van Rillaer Gert & Cuyckens Hubert - 1998 - Journal of Semantics 15 (3).
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  35. The challenges of teaching physics to preservice elementary teachers: Orientations of the professor, teaching assistant, and students.Mark J. Volkmann, Sandra K. Abell & Marta Zgagacz - 2005 - Science Education 89 (5):847-869.
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  36. The State: Spinoza's Institutional Turn.Sandra Field - 2015 - In Andre Santos Campos (ed.), Spinoza: Basic Concepts. Burlington, VT, USA: Imprint Academic. pp. 142-154.
    The concept of imperium is central to Spinoza's political philosophy. Imperium denotes authority to rule, or sovereignty. By extension, it also denotes the political order structured by that sovereignty, or in other words, the state. Spinoza argues that reason recommends that we live in a state, and indeed, humans are hardly ever outside a state. But what is the source and scope of the sovereignty under which we live? In some sense, it is linked to popular power, but how precisely, (...)
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    The BSRI and gender schema theory: A reply to Spence and Helmreich.Sandra Lipsitz Bem - 1981 - Psychological Review 88 (4):369-371.
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    Stress and Eating Behavior: A Daily Diary Study in Youngsters.Taaike Debeuf, Sandra Verbeken, Marie-Lotte Van Beveren, Nathalie Michels & Caroline Braet - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  39. Survival analysis.Jorge Leite & Sandra Carvalho - 2018 - In Felipe Fregni & Ben M. W. Illigens (eds.), Critical thinking in clinical research: applied theory and practice using case studies. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
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  40. Globalization, uncertainty, and late careers in society.Hans-Peter Blossfeld, Sandra Buchholz & Dirk Hofäcker - 2011 - In Ann Brooks (ed.), Social theory in contemporary Asia. New York, NY: Routledge.
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    Merleau-Ponty, Lewis and Kant.Patrick L. Bourgeois & Sandra B. Rosenthal - 1983 - International Studies in Philosophy 15 (3):13-23.
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    Embracing Reason: Egalitarian Ideals and the Teaching of High School Mathematics.Daniel Isaac Chazan, Sandra Callis & Michael Lehman - 2007 - Routledge.
    This book tells a single story, in many voices, about a serious and sustained set of changes in mathematics teaching practice in a high school and how those efforts influenced and were influenced by a local university. It includes the writings and perspectives of high school students, high school teachers, preservice teacher candidates, doctoral students in mathematics education and other fields, mathematics teacher educators, and other education faculty. As a whole, this case study provides an opportunity to reflect on reform (...)
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    Glenn langford:Philosophy and education.Sandra Coltheart - 1970 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 2 (2):57–66.
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    Crianças E música: Educação musical E estudos da inf'ncia em diálogo.Sandra Mara da Cunha - 2020 - Childhood and Philosophy 16 (36):01-20.
    Children and music are the theme of this article conceived as a sort of rehearsal, with the aim of thinking a musical education of childhood. Its theoretical foundations emerge from conversations between music education and childhood studies, and formed the basis for the lecture workshop held at the II Congress of Childhood Studies, in September 2019, at the University of the State of Rio de Janeiro. The text addresses methodological openings present in creative approaches to curricula based on network formats (...)
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    “Ogre” or “Saint”? Reopening the gilles de rais trial: Michel tournier's Gilles & Jeanne.Brenda Dunn‐Lardeau & Sandra Beckett - 1996 - The European Legacy 1 (3):1133-1139.
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    Strong Spirits, Kind Hearts: Helping Students Develop Inner Strength, Resilience, and Meaning.Sandra Finney - 2013 - R&L Education.
    Strong Spirits, Kind Hearts is the first practical teacher resource to provide comprehensive coverage of all aspects of developing strong spirits and caring young people. It is focused on middle years’ students but most lessons can be adapted for older and younger students as well. This resource describes ways to incorporate emotional and spiritual supports into daily routines and interactions with students and provides ready-to-use activities, lessons and units that can be integrated into subject area teaching.
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    A Note on Relative Efficiency of Axiom Systems.Sandra Fontani, Franco Montagna & Andrea Sorbi - 1994 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 40 (2):261-272.
    We introduce a notion of relative efficiency for axiom systems. Given an axiom system Aβ for a theory T consistent with S12, we show that the problem of deciding whether an axiom system Aα for the same theory is more efficient than Aβ is II2-hard. Several possibilities of speed-up of proofs are examined in relation to pairs of axiom systems Aα, Aβ, with Aα ⊇ Aβ, both in the case of Aα, Aβ having the same language, and in the case (...)
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    End-of-life care for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.Sandra L. Friedman & David T. Helm (eds.) - 2010 - Washington, DC: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
    End-of-life care is the only major reference to systematically explore the unique medical, social, legal, political, and ethical issues to consider while providing care to adults and children with intellectual and developmental disabilities who are facing terminal illness or life-limiting conditions.
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  49. Constructing a "good death" : historical and social frameworks.David T. Helm & Sandra L. Friedman - 2010 - In Sandra L. Friedman & David T. Helm (eds.), End-of-life care for children and adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Washington, DC: American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities.
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  50. Science teachers who left: A survey report.Paul B. Hounshell & Sandra S. Griffin - 1989 - Science Education 73 (4):433-443.
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